Cycling routes from Portoroz


Da bi olajšali iskanje in pripravo vaše kolesarske poti iz Portoroža smo pripravili nekaj predlogov kolesarskih poti. Vsako pot smo označili z razdaljo, potrebnim časom, povprečno višinsko razliko in težavnostjo.

Pomoč vam nudimo z interaktivnimi mapami in natančnimi opisi poti, da boste lahko zakolesarili na vaš izlet brezskrbno.

Cycling routes from Portoroz

There are many cycling routes around Portorož and Piran, by the sea or uphill, ranging from easy routes for the whole family to challenging routes for experienced cyclists. Try an easy ride to Piran, a panoramic ride that takes you past many hidden spots along the entire Slovenian coast to hilltop villages like St. Peter and Padna..

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